January 2021 in Benjamin Preschool
Senec Pandas This month we enjoyed a lot of snow and a nice winter weather. After one night, the snow started falling and we could have...
February 2020 in Benjamin Preschool
Trnavska Preschool The month of February was dedicated to the unit called “My body”. While other children exercised their bodies during...
January 2020 in Benjamin Preschool
Senec New Year, new book to be filled with our experiences, friends, possibilities, wishes and resolutions. Kids already knew our...
November 2019 in Benjamin Preschool
Myslenicka Preschool During the beautiful month of November, we not only explored the world around us, but also practiced our cutting,...
October 2019 in Benjamin Preschool
Senec During the beautiful month of October, we spent time learning about the the many different wind instruments such as the piccolo,...
3rd place in a photography competition!
Krásne spolu 2019 We are happy to announce that a photograph from our initiative Benjamin for Seniors and Seniors for Benjamin won a 3rd...
September 2019 in Benjamin Preschool
Trnavska The month of September had the motto „The more we get together, the happier we will be!“ Once again we all met in our preschool...
Continuous education of teachers at Benjamin preschool
Continuous education for us teachers is very important. This year we had the opportunity to share our knowledge with each other and...
June 2019 in Benjamin Preschool
Trnavska Preschool In June, a potter came to our preschool to conduct a workshop for our students. On the first day,he came and created...
May 2019 in Benjamin Preschool
Trnavská Our Little Swimmers Students from Benjamin Trnavská attend a swimming lesson once a week. It is a great form of exercise for...