Donating 2% of your tax payments
Dear Family & Friends,
We turn to you with an ask to please donate 2% of your taxes to Benjamin Preschool. Our main goal is to provide a quality language education to children and to cater to their unique needs.
For full transparency we want you to know that all of the tax donations go directly towards the needs of the students of Benjamin Preschool and not a single donation is used for the daily operation of the preschool.
Last years we used the collected donation funds to buy games supporting logical thinking and deduction as well as materials developing creativity and thinking. We also enriched the school’s playground with additional outdoor equipment that supports the movement of students and their art creativity. This year we would like to create natural garden centers where children can plant plants and take care of them throughout the year, while observing and learning about all the stages plants go through during their life cycle.
Please contribute and help us so that we can continue providing the best in education and training for your children. Please spread the word to your friends and relatives in case they have not found a home for their 2% donations.
Once we finalize and receive all the donations we will inform you of their receipt and their respective allocation.
To find all forms and steps necessary to donate your 2% please follow/click on the link below:
Note: the process of donating your 2% differs if you are filing as a business, through an employer or as a single physical entity.
PLEASE READ: If you donated 2% of your tax in the past, please make sure you have the current name of our non profit organization and the IČO.
The necessary information about our non profit organization:
Názov združenia: Škôlka Benjamín
Právna forma: Občianske združenie
Sídlo: Pri kockách 8, 900 91 Limbach
IČO: 50331884
DIČ: 2120337648
If you are unsure of how to donate your 2% but would like to help please reach out to us for any questions you have.
Thank you for your help and support. It is greatly appreciated.
We also accept donations via PayPal in the following form:
New or Used books
Financial Grants
School Supplies