May 2016 in Benjamin Preschools
Senec Preschool
This month we were discovering all kinds of animals living on our planet. The diversity of all species is limitless. We have learned about zebras, which are very interesting. Their stripes look the same on all zebras, but in fact you can not find two same zebras in the world. We have compared this fact to people, because even though we think some people look alike, in fact we are all different and very unique and original.
Pezinok - Trnavska Preschool
During the days of May we learned about animals. We learned about many animals in the jungle, on a farm, and about pets. We had experiences with real animals too. A water turtle came to visit us in the preschool. During our walk to the park we saw a cat walking by, some ducks with ducklings and a peacock with its beautiful tail. On the 26th of May we had a show where the kids from the 2-3 year old class were bunnies and kids from the class 3-4 year old class were: a bear, a bird, a frog, a cat, a dog, a sheep, a goldfish, a duck and a horse.
Pezinok - Myslenicka Prechool
Preschool Class
In the month of May we talked about animals in the preschool class. We travelled back in history and talked about the dinosaurs, but we talked about the animals that live nowadays as well. The children learned many interesting things - which animals are the biggest, strongest, fastest. They also learned the animal groups - mammals, birds, insects, amphibians, reptiles, fish. We even found one mommy spider carrying her egg with baby spiders outside! And we saw a fight between a spider hanging from the ceiling on his web with a male mosquito. I told the children about the rainbow fish and how she shared her pretty scales, I pointed out how it is nice and important to share and that it feels good to help and make someone happy. Then we painted our own rainbow fish, they are all beautiful!
Kindergarten Class
In May the kindergarteners learned a lot about where food comes from and how to eat healthily. At the end of May they helped make a healthy treat for the whole class to enjoy. This is what they had to say: First, we gathered all the fruits together. We had carrots, apples, oranges and tangerines. Then we divided into groups: one group peeled, one group cut, and the third group added everything together and mixed. Then, we let it sit in the refrigerator so all the flavors could mix. Then in the afternoon we all enjoyed our healthy homemade fruit salad!
English Club
On Thursday, May 26, all students in English Club gave their best at the end of the year performance for parents. The older students performed The Gingerbread Girl, while the younger students performed a medley of short plays including Chicken Licken, Aesop‘s fables, City Mouse and Country Mouse and some poems. Great job everyone!