June 2016 in Benjamin preschool
Senec preschool
The small children showed everyone what animals they saw and they had a wonderful performance inspired by the book: Brown Bear. The big children took it a bit further and showed their parents how they were going on a bear hunt. They eventually met the Bear!! Both theater performances were followed by singing and dancing, and this gave all of us a big smile. At the end the parents were proud and happy to hug their little actresses and actors. :)
Pezinok - Trnavska preschool
We've spent June learning Nursery Rhymes and poems. With Humpty Dumpty we learned how fragile eggs are. But when you break an egg, do not try to put it together, but you can make muffins with the Muffin man. Do you know the Muffin man? If you want to count, you can count with us and say a poem about Two little dicky birds, 5 little ducks, and Once I caught a fish alive. Can you imagine that one girl has brought her lamb to school? It was Mary which had a little lamb. It is only a song, but the kids like it very much. And would you like some tea? We can make you some with a little teapot. Oh, we love Nursery Rhymes, do you?
Pezinok - Myslenicka preschool
Preschool Class
June16th was not an ordinary day. The classroom changed into a place with long wavy grass, a deep cold river, thick oozy mud, a big dark forest, a swirling whirling snowstorm and a narrow gloomy cave. Those were the props made by the children for their drama play "We are going on a bear hunt" - part of their End of the Year Show 2016. But first the parents had to arrive, sit and wait for children who were very excited to perform! When they were ready in their costumes they arrived to dance and sing some songs. Then they changed and transformed into the hunters - they put on their hats, T-shirts, boots and painted their faces so the bear would not see them. Brave as could be they came back to the "preschool stage" and acted out the drama play the best they ever did! Bravo! Every child did a great job and the teacher, parents and the children themselves felt very proud. We spent one very nice afternoon that day.
Kindergarten Class
Kindergarten Graduation was a great success this year. The children sang, danced, and performed both in Slovak and English. They had a lot of fun performing The Lion and the Mouse and we all learned an important lesson: Little friends CAN be big friends!
English Club
English Club ended with a relaxing afternoon for all which included a movie, some games led by the older kids, lots of congratulations on completing a great year, and a fun treat inspired by the book How to Eat Fried Worms. Have a great summer everyone!