visits Benjamin Preschool to teach us about the Wim Hof Method.
Today Benjamin Preschool Senec Summer Camp had a special guest! Martin Tham from visited us to talk to the children about WIM HOF. We all got a chance to learn who this man is, what his teachings and methods look like, and of course we got to test these methods ourselves. Everything started off by controlled breathing and meditation exercises. After that we enjoyed various musical instruments and of course we all loved playing the drums. The best part was when we all got to experience cold exposure by plunging into an inflatable pool filled with 100 kilograms of ice! COLD J. After 2 minutes of cold exposure we performed several body exercises and sat in a big circle in which we discussed our emotions and feelings. It is amazing how focused intentional breathing, cold exposure, and a right mindset give us all control of our bodies and most importantly health! We are all glad we got to experience this and a big thanks goes to
Photo Credit: | Tatar Studios