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The story continues: Our 2017 Christmas fundraiser


Koncom minulého týždňa sme dostali email od detského domova, pre ktorý sme robili zbierku peňazí počas Vianočných dielničiek v roku 2017. Ak vás zaujíma čo sme spoločne dosiahli a na čo bola vyzbieraná suma použitá, čítajte ďalej:

"Veľká vďaka za pomoc, ide o výsledok práve vašej škôlky, mamička Vlasta so svojími deťmi sa dnes stala slobodnou a už je mimo Ded Domova. Veľká úcta a vďaka k Vášmu prístupu a vášmu pochopeniu pre skutočné potreby našich detí. Nejestvuje len dieťa, jestvuje len Mama a dieťa."

Nižšie pani riaditeľka ďakuje za pomoc.

Vážení kolegovia, milí priatelia, Dnes, 21.6.2018 sme ukončili jednu etapu príbehu rodiny, ktorý sa začal 22.6.2016, kedy bolo matke - pani Karalovej odňatých 6 detí. Je to symbolicky - takmer na deň dvojročný príbeh. Príbeh, v ktorom bolo veľa neistoty, bolesti,beznádeje a hnevu, ale aj rastúcej dôvery, lásky a dobrých vzťahov. Vyprevadili sme ich tam, odkiaľ prišli. Do malej chatky, ktorú si vymaľovali zvnútra aj zvonku, vymenili okno, zariadili nábytkom a pred ktorú pani Karalová vysadila ružu. Na dvore postavili drevenú kadibúdku a o pár dni bude vyspravený aj plot. Matka aj deti si postupne zvykajú na nové - staré prostredie, na vodu zo studne, pranie v rukách, varenie na etapy, dlhšie cestovanie do školy. Ale vraj aj na to, že nie sme nablízku :-)

Chcem sa Vám všetkým, ktorí ste v tomto príbehu zohrali menšiu či väčšiu úlohu, poďakovať. Vy sami viete najlepšie, čo ste do toho vložili, koľko Vás to stálo energie, času a námahy. My zase vieme, že sme potrebovali vedieť, že v tom nie sme sami. Dnes, keď sme preberali priestory, kde žili pár posledných mesiacov, sme si hovorili, že toto nie je koniec. Že sa chceme vídať, chcem vedieť, ako sa kto máme. Že tento príbeh nekončí - len nadobúda inú podobu. A jeden z dobrých koncov - či začiatkov je, že má o niečo viac ľudí, na ktorých sa môže obrátiť "keby niečo".

S úctou Renáta Matejová


Towards the end of last week, we received an email from the Orphanage for which we collected money during our 2017 Christmas market charity. If you would like to know what we achieved together and what the donation was put towards read along the email we received:

“A big thank you for your help and for your approach in truly understanding the needs of our children. Your collective effort enabled Mrs. Karalová to become self-dependent and along with her children they do not live in the Orphanage anymore. There is no such thing as “just a child” in this world, it must be “a mother and her child”.

A big thank you to all of you from the Director of the orphanage herself:

Dear colleagues & friends,

Today, June 21st, 2018 we closed one chapter in the story of a family. The story started on June 22nd, 2016, when all 6 of Mrs. Karalová’s children were taken from her.

It’s been almost two years which is symbolic. There was a lot on uncertainty, pain, hopelessness, and anger, but also a lot of growing trust, love and good relationships.

We said our good byes with the family at the same place where they initially came from 2 years ago. They went back to their small cottage, which they now have renovated with new paint, new windows, new furniture and where they were able to plant a new set of roses in their front yard. They built a wooden porter potty and they will be putting up a fence in a couple of days.

The children and their mom are slowly getting used to their “old”-new place, to the water from the well, to hand washing their clothes, to cooking, to longer school commutes and also to the fact that we are not around anymore. :)

We would like to thank to all of you, who played a part in this story and each one of you best knows how much time and effort you put in.

We are glad to see and to know that we are not alone in this and that there are other people that care.

Today, as we were repurposing the space where the family lived for the past few months, we said to each other that this is not the end. We would like to see each other again to know how everybody is doing. This story is not ending, it is just changing its shape.

One of the happy endings (or beginnings) is the fact that now the mother has more people she can turn to if something comes up.

with kind regards Renáta Matejová

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