April 2021 in Benjamin Preschool
Ladybug Class
The month of April was all about teaching the Ladybug class about different spring flowers and animals. During our 2nd week of the month, we prepared a hands-on planting experience for the children. We had the chance to plant our very own grass. First we talked about the process of how a plant turns from a small bean to a beautiful flower and what it needs to have in order to grow. Than we got our soil, seeds and water and we got cracking. We really enjoyed this experience and our grass grew up to look the amazing.
Panda Class
The month of April was all about teaching the Ladybug class about different spring flowers and animals. During our 2nd week of the month, we prepared a hands-on planting experience for the children. We had the chance to plant our very own grass. First we talked about the process of how a plant turns from a small bean to a beautiful flower and what it needs to have in order to grow. Than we got our soil, seeds and water and we got cracking. We really enjoyed this experience and our grass grew up to look the amazing.
Bunny Class
April in our class was dedicated to nature. We watched the awakening nature after winter, first flowers and trees blooming in our neighborhood. But there was one thing that was not so nice... Rubbish everywhere we have looked. Old papers, plastic, old and damaged toys,... Firstly we were learning about different types of materials and where they come from, secondly we were learning in which bin they belong to and lastly we put our gloves on and went to collect the trash. During the walk around our preschool we have collected two full bin bags full of rubbish. Suddenly flowers hiding under the trash were visible and also nice stones we have found. What an amazing feeling we had. We did something for our mother Earth! All of the bunnies wanted to help, take a part and enjoyed it! We were so proud of ourselves. Small steps will lead to a better place for living.
Dolphin Class
The whole month of April was dedicated to environment, nature and Earth Day, we learnt about the different ways we can help our planet to stay ‘healthy’. We talked about the importance of recycling items and products, we revised how to separate the rubbish into all those colorful rubbish bins and which color is dedicated to which material, but sometimes it is more important to reuse and reduce than recycle. We learnt the significance of giving new life to old things by up-cycling different materials and creating new, meaningful, beautiful and useful things. We decided to make toy houses from old carton boxes and our minds and hands were busy creating them. We worked together joyfully, we had to make a few compromises, we learnt to cooperate and, at the end, we enjoyed playing neighbors with our newly built houses. We loved this imaginative project and while playing we also understood the importance of taking care of our planet Earth.
Unicorn Class
Unicorns class were celebrating spring! We were talking about pollination and pollinators. Pollination is an important process in the life cycle of flowers and it was such fun for us! We demonstrated how bees pick up and share pollen from flower to flower with this amazing activity. We used cookies, pom-poms and paper flowers and we started pollination. In this special activity kids developed a simple model that mimics important functions of bees or any insect pollinating flowers. Now we know, that without bees and other pollinators, pollination would not happen!
Care Bear Class
The spring insects are beginning to emerge from their hiding places and making a grand appearance in our garden. Our favorite insects are bees, butterflies and ladybugs, the boys are fascinated by dragonflies ! We looked for them on the grass, pavement, trees, plants, and in the house. There are so many things to do with a bug or insect theme for preschoolers. We enjoyed bee cutting strips, life-cycle of butterfly, artwork, crafts, we played counting games, and learned to identify some bugs. We discussed how bees and butterflies help plants to grow and ripe. We made the Bug Sensory Table! Filled with green colored rice, flowers, we added bugs, insects, bees, butterflies, plastic jars, thongs, fake leaves and scoops.
Troll Class
During April we talked about animals and it came to discuss different habitats that animals live in. One day we talked about savanna - what is it and where can we locate it, what animals live there, how does this habitat look like, what plants live there, what's the weather like there...We wonder why they say that lion is the king of the jungle when they live in savanna? :-) It led us to a conversation whether they would like to visit a savanna, what animals they would like to see there and which savanna animals they had a chance to see in our zoo!
Kindergarten Class
In April we took part in The Logic Olympics – a competition intended for kindergarten students. It is organized by the Faculty of Education, University of Prešov. The focus of the competition is to test simple logical functions, the creation of concepts, memory retention, counting and practicing fine motor skills. These are all skills needed to successfully master before going to elementary school. Kindergarteners experienced the world of logic, abstract thinking, finding context and practicing fine motor skills. The main idea of the event was to get involved, try to solve the problems at hand. The competition even supports unconventional thinking as long as students justify their solution of the result. Solving the logical tasks of the Olympics teaches children to communicate, express their opinion, support group work and allow them to present the logical thinking of the child. Every experience like this gives children confidence and courage to not be afraid to take a part in a competition like this. Moreover, it was fun! :) Children will be getting a certificate for completing at the Logic Olympics. The motto of the Logic Olympics for the youngest is "We compete, but we don't lose".